Young John Waldenthrottle & the Duck

John Waldenthrottle was riding down Highway 81 north out of Union City one sunny, windy, cloudy, rainy, snowy clear, bright, humid & calm Oklahoman day when he came along side of a duck flying north for the summer.

"Aren't you Young John Waldenthrottle, the boy who rides the J.C. Higgins ten-speed Special?" asks the duck.

To which John Waldenthrottle replies, "Negative. I'm Young John Waldenthrottle who used to ride a J.C. Higgins ten-speed Special. Now I ride an Azuki Gran Sport & it cost me  $150.00 & I have a $375.00 Schwinn Paramount on layaway somewhere in some town I passed through recently."

"Oh well," replies the duck. "I guess we are all entitled to one mistake now & then."

by Freewheelin' Dave
October 11, 1972
(Gosh - Bikes were cheap back then!)

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